Category: Strategy

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How to Prepare for Your Nonprofit’s Website Project: 21 Practical Questions to Ask Yourself

The starting point of a nonprofit website is the hardest piece to get right. But when done well, it lays the foundation your organization needs to create an asset that motivates your community and gets visitors taking action.
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113 Nonprofit Marketing Tactics to Get More Awareness and Donors [2024]

We asked our clients, quizzed our network, and scoured the internet for over 100 marketing tactics nonprofits can use to get more traffic and build awareness. This article contains many actionable strategies and tactics to improve your organization’s marketing.
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How to Name a Nonprofit in 10 Practical Steps [+ 121 Examples]

How do you come up with a nonprofit name? It’s easy! Well, okay, maybe not easy…but it can be simple. Use these hands-on frameworks to guide your brainstorming and help you name your nonprofit.
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Nonprofit Storytelling: How to Craft Stories That Build Relationships & Motivate Supporters

Storytelling is critical to any nonprofit organization that needs to motivate supporters. (Which is every nonprofit, right?) These tips will help you craft a compelling narrative and incorporate that overarching story in engaging micro-stories.
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What to Put on a Nonprofit Website Homepage [35 Examples + Template]

In this article, we share all the must-have sections for a nonprofit website homepage and illustrate the point with 35 real-world examples. We also share quick tips for improving your nonprofit website design.
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The Ultimate Guide to Nonprofit Website Content [Checklist + How To]

By starting with the one question at the heart of it all, we can build out a clear action plan to tackle your nonprofit website content—whether you’re writing a new website or improving a website that’s gotten messy over time.
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